In remembrance of Thandika Mkandawire’s sustained dedicated contribution to the African development, this edited volume comprises a mixture of rigorous interventions on prospects and possibilities of development in Africa based on Mkandawire’s archive. Most of the chapters explore a range of topics that Mkandawire worked on, including informal sector livelihoods, social protection, politics, agriculture, education, and political economy, thereby, provoking critiques and reflections from a variety of comparative viewpoints whose main concern is to reinstate a vantage point to the deliberations on colonialism and the post-colonial state in Africa. Some of the chapters deal with social policy, an area that Mkandawire ensured that it remained at the centre of development in Africa. Some chapters examine Mkandawire’s intellectual journey and his impact on many scholars and policymakers.
Besides the introduction and the conclusion chapters, the book contains 12 other chapters structured in different sections. The chapters provide the interconnections among the different aspects of the book relating to development in Africa. The multi- and trans-disciplinary stances of the book makes it compulsory reading for students, researchers, policymakers, and activists interested in emerging new directions in African development thinking and research. Anyone interested in Africa’s development will greatly benefit from this book.
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